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How to Get Skinny Fast | 10 Secrets...

How to Get Skinny Fast | 10 Secrets

Generally when people talk about skinny people they are thinking about people with an ectomorphic body type. These people have little fat, little muscle and a delicate bone structure. Ectomorphs are either naturally skinny or it is straightforward for them to get skinny, e.g. Taylor Swift and Eva Mendes respectively. However, there are two other body types. Mesomorphs naturally build muscle and can gain fat quickly, but also lose fat relatively easy. Examples include Anna Kournikova, Janet Jackson and Jessica Biel. Endomorphic people have a body type that means they struggle to control the body fat percentage and have to work really hard at losing weight. Beyonce and Scarlett Johansson are endomorphs. Each of these three body types gains and loses weight with varying levels of ease. When planning to get skinny remember:

  • The ease or difficulty with which it takes to get skinny will depend on your body type.

  • What getting skinny means to you should depend on your body type. If you have an endomorphic body your skinny goal should not be Kate Moss, Eva Mendes or Taylor Swift (ectomorphs), but someone with an endomorphic body build.

  • Being realistic means that you will achieve your goals and drop the fat, get rid of the wobbly bits and have a firm, lean body like Scarlett Johansson, Beyonce or Jennifer Lopez. The same goes for the other body types. Are you a mesomorph? Jessica Biel, Jennifer Garner and Jennifer Aniston are great examples. Determine your body type and find out who your skinny role model is. You CAN get skinny; just remember that it should mean different things to different people.

  • Healthiness trumps skinniness. Therefore, your first and overriding goal should be to maintain or improve health. Your goal to get skinny should come second. Ensure that all your plans are consistent with this principle.


1. Determine your body type and choose a realistic role model. You can use the body type calculator to help you.

2. Determine and keep track of your body fat percentage. Ensure that you maintain a healthy level of body fat. Too little body fat can be just a dangerous as too much body fat, especially for women and even more so for young women. Ideally you should get your body fat percentage measured professionally. To get a ROUGH idea you can use the body fat calculator– but still get measured!

3. Determine your ideal weight based on your body type.

4. Create a calorie deficit by lowering your caloric intake by 15 – 20% below what you normally need to maintain your weight. You can use the calorie calculator to find out your calorie needs. Steer clear of crash dieting and extremely low calorie intakes to avoid triggering your starvation protection mechanism.

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